Sunday, May 31, 2009

Celebrity F'ing Sighting!!!!!!!

Will Forte, of "Gillie!" fame (aka SNL cast member), waiting on his flight to NYC (I assume anyway) today at SFO!!!!!

I was going to go up and scream GILLIE! at him but I'm sporting a massive zit on my chin and a bug bite on my cheek. And I smelled. And my breath tasted like a thousand skunks sprayed in my mouth.

On the other hand, I tripped over my own feet staring at him, which caused him to look at me, so yeah, he totally noticed me. I rule.

More on my super fantastical Nawlins trip tomorrow! Had a TOTAL blast!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Reno... Bay to Breakers... Need another weekend...

RENO WAS A BLAST!!!! We had so much fun on our mini-trip. We were joined by Brother R and Shugs, Shelbs and Bbbb, and The K's. It was quite the drunken trip (to be expected), with the loss of quite a lot of $$$ (also to be expected b/c I was *gambling*), but with a whole hell of a lot of fun tossed in (also to be expected based on the crew that went).

Brother R, Shugs, Blondie and I headed up to Reno and were there by 5 pm or so. We played a bit of blackjack and just tooled around for awhile until everyone else got there. We were up pretty late learning Pai Gaw and shooting Craps. The next day we all got to meet up for champagne brunch (I drank all the champagne and ate none of the food) and then we went and checked out Reno.

I have to say this, Reno is a really nice city. We headed down to the river walk which had a festival going on. We watched the kayak'ers for awhile, and then started back to the hotel. But on the way, we passed a bar that had outdoor music, belly dancers and hula hoopers! We enjoyed extremely cheap local beer, and even had the owner try to give us free cake.

When we got back to the casino, most of us just started gambling again. We eventually met up with Brother R and Shugs for light-on-fire rum drinks, and then all of us went to dinner. Our planned meet-up at 10 pm that night didn't happen as almost all of us were passed out by then.

Bay To Breakers...

10:15 am: "I'm not sure I want to go"
10:30 am: "GIVE ME A BEER!!!! NAKED PEOPLE!!!!"
3:30 pm: "Tommy's!!!!!! MARGARITAS!"
6:00 pm: passed out on couch

How I feel today.... (Pic taken by my sis)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLONDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great day babe!
