Tuesday, June 30, 2015

La La La


Not a lot happened last week. I felt like hermit-ing myself, so I did. For the most part.

Last Tuesday, I trucked on out and met up with AA to tour the new building in the hood. It was... ok? Like a nice building and all, but soooo not worth what they were asking. I've lived in NYC for 5+ years now and I know NYC prices. And I still almost laughed when they told us the rents for the new place. One of their perks was the 70,000 sq ft amenity space. Great. What will be in the amenity space? That seems like a reasonable question, right? Not really sure, was the answer. A gym. That people who don't live in the building will be allowed to join (which means, crowded at all times). Some retail space. Don't know what will be in that retail space. Square footage of the apartments we saw? Eh, the developer hasn't released that info yet. To which I say, bullshit my good sir. Of course they've released that info. You're signing people up to move-in in September. You just don't remember what the square footage of the apartment was and instead of just saying that, you're trying to deflect.

Deflection and constantly being late to things are my two biggest pet peeves.

Wow. Rant much?

Okay, so after building tour, AA said to call him around noon and me, him and Glitter could go to lunch. I texted him at 12:30 and he had already ordered in. LOL. So Glitter and I trucked up the street to a bar in our hood and it turns out that they brought back cheese-whiz. All the yes in the world. Cheese-whiz buffalo chicken nachos and 3 pints of beer were in order.

Tuesday night, I popped back to our local for a single beer. Glitter and Heinie had friends in from England so I wanted to meet them. I didn't feel like drinking though at that point (drinking at the bar earlier in the day? Yes please. Taking a break and then trying to get back into it? Wasn't happening).

Thursday, I got my book back from the editor. It looked really good. I'm happy I went the route I went. Her comments were lovely as well (seriously, not sarcastically), so Blondie and I had a celebration night and put down a few sixers. At least we ate healthy.

On Friday day, I suffered through two T25 Beta disks on a hangover. I thought I was going to puke, and not just from the excess alcohol in my system. On Friday night, Blondie went out with some of his coworkers but I had a massive allergy attack so instead of going to the local, I just stayed in and sneezed.

Saturday, while Blondie nursed a hangover (another LOL - Blondie hungover while I'm feeling completely fine), I putzed around the apartment all day. We met up with the whole group on Saturday night at the local for a few hours. It was the first time Blondie had been out with them in forever.

Sunday, the weather was still shit (it poured rain on Saturday night), so I watched TV all day. Glitter texted around 5 pm and I ended up meeting up with her and my English gf for a drink at a fancy cocktail place in the hood. I only had a few cocktails there and then headed back on home where we ordered in Mexican for dinner.

This week has been lame-o. I grocery shopped yesterday and the local farmer's market finally had decent shit to buy. It's been a complete miss the last three times I've gone. Like stuff completely out, an entire table empty, no lettuce whatsoever, moldy mushrooms, no bell peppers, so I had gotten pissed and taken a few weeks off. Yesterday it was back to what I expect! YAY! And they had OKRA! YAY!

Today I did some more grocery shopping and am in the middle of making cinnamon roles for Blondie to take to work tomorrow. I had to borrow a rolling pin from Glitter which makes me laugh. I *used* to have one. I guess it's been so long since I've actually baked that we probably threw it out when we moved from SF to NYC. I've also got garlic honey sausages in the crockpot for dinner. And I'm officially beat now.

T25 Beta has kicked my ass but I'm still struggling through it everyday. Like I could've done 10 rounds of Alpha and still not be ready for Beta. The worst for me is the Cardio day (which was today). I don't know. I get to the "shuffle" part of the workout and my body just shuts down. I sweat so bad it shows up in droplets on my FINGERS. WTF?

In other good news, I released my first book on Sunday morning. It hit #500 on Amazon's erotica bestseller list which means... absolutely nothing. It sounds good, but really, it means nothing. Their algorithm is weird. I'm happy to give the title / my pseudonym out to people that want to look at the book, but I will only do that after I warn you what the content is about. It's a niche fetish and it can be quite "gross" if you're not into that scene. There's nothing like physically gross about it (no golden showers, no poop stuff, no necrophilia, etc - NOTHING LIKE THIS AT ALL), but it can be very squeamish / icky reading if you're not into what it's about.

My second (erotica - different fetish than the first one I released but still dealing with a fetish) book should be released about three weeks from now. And the next book I'm going to publish (same fetish as the one I just released) is about 1/3rd of the way through.

I was excited about it all but now I'm mostly just... eh. It took a lot out of me - writing every day, finding an editor, actually editing it after the editor was done, finding a book cover designer, all the account setup, formatting, author page setup... I know I sound like a baby. I'll just leave it at that. I am SO grateful for what I've been able to do thanks to Blondie supporting me. And I'm SO grateful that as of this moment, I have no bad reviews (no good ones either but I'll take that).

And with that, I'm off to finish the cinnamon rolls.


Monday, June 22, 2015

T25 Core Cardio - Beta Edition

Shaun T: Hahahahahahah! Upper cut and jack feet! Running spider lunge! Shuffle and burpee!

Me: < weeping >
Is It Friday Yet?


First off, my instagram is kerrijl, not what I put down last time. My bad. It's mostly pics of my cat and my drinks, 2 of the 3 things I love the most in this world ;) Blondie being the other one of course.

AA had last week off for vacation and he stayed in the city so the week was pretty jammed pack. He texted on Monday that he was at the bar with Glitter and Heinie (who were just back from having to bury Glitter's brother), so I headed on over to the bar to hang out and see how Glitter was doing. We kept it kind of early that night, just a few drinks and making sure Glitter was okay.

Also on Monday, I put out an ad on a website for getting an editor for my book. I explained the content in detail and asked people not to apply if it made them squeamish. I ended up getting back over 30 applicants which was incredible. It made me feel okay about this whole process for the first time in ages, although it did take me forever and a year to get through everyone's proposal.

On Monday night late, my English girlfriend showed back up for the first time in 3 months, and she texted Tuesday morning to see if we were in for lunch. I got ahold of AA and the 4 of us (me, AA, Glitter, English GF) met at a local food court for a few beers, a few cocktails and salads. After lunch, we all went our separate ways, but I met back up with AA at 4 pm at the bar. Everyone ended up joining us eventually but again, it was an earlier night, which worked out well.

On Wednesday, AA texted around 3:30 pm from the bar so I headed back on over and hung out with him then. We all had to make it an early night once again, but it turns out, I kind of enjoy that. A few beers, home by 7:30 pm, a good healthy dinner, and then I feel fine the next day. I wish AA could have the week off every week!

Thursday I STAYED IN. It was needed. Also on Thursday, I picked a person to be my editor. She seems really friendly, had really great reviews on the website where I placed the ad, was reasonable with her prices, and responded almost as soon as I awarded her the job, asking to get the book so she could get started. She gave me a quote of 7 days so I'm assuming by end of week this week or very beginning of the week next, I'll have everything ready to go!

And on Friday, I had a brainstorm for another book. I started on my non-sex book which has been kind of liberating. But then I had a completely different idea for the next sex-themed book so I spent the afternoon outlining that thing on Friday. I'm excited about it all!

Then on Friday as well, my English GF had 2 of her English girlfriends fly in for a visit so I met the 3 of them at the wine bar in the hood for a few hours. Afterward, we all headed over to the local where we ran into our building friends (who are no longer our building friends, they moved out last week). I thought we'd never see them again but they were both in the city after work and thought they'd swing over and say hi! Friday night was late. Blondie joined us after a happy hour with his work group. Shots were drank. Songs were sang. Pictures were taken. We finally left to get dinner, where I picked out a salad (WTF? After drinking all night long? NOT a good idea).

Saturday we stayed in, nursing serious hangovers all day. We actually ordered pizza at 10 am and then I ate a bag of spicy cheetos for dinner. Breakfast and dinner of champions. We watched shit movies off Netflix all night long (I, Frankenstein. You're welcome). And cured ourselves by hair of the dogging it.

Yesterday started out weird. We've had what we call a "roach bubble" on our bathroom ceiling for a few months now. By "roach bubble", I mean that the paint had pulled away from the ceiling in a bubble formation and Blondie said one day how gross it would be if the bubble split and roaches were behind it and they went all over the place. It's creeped me out since he said that. Anyway, I showed it to the maintenance men one day when they came in to check our filters (they asked if there was anything else they should check out while they were looking at our filters) and they weren't concerned with it. Yesterday, the cat started freaking out, running back and forth from the bathroom to the bedroom. I finally figured out that there was water dripping from the "roach bubble". We had to put in an emergency repair request (the apartment above ours had a leaking toilet - DISGUSTING). It's fixed now and to my complete peace of mind, they cut away the "roach bubble".

After the "roach bubble" debacle, I met up with Glitter and our normal Sunday bartender (she has Sundays off until August) for brunch / day drinking! We stayed in the hood, doing brunch just up the street and then drinks at her normal bar, the food court, and then our local. I stumbled home around 7 pm. And ordered in Pho which I downed in like 1 bite. Awesome sauce.

Today, T25 Beta starts and I'm a nervous wreck about it. I did 2 rounds of Alpha and am still terrified to start Beta. I think this is going to hurt beyond what I can comprehend.

Then grocery shopping. Then writing.

This week I plan on taking it easy. I'm touring a new building in the neighborhood with AA tomorrow and that's the full extent of my plans thus far.

Happy first truly hot day of summer!


Sunday, June 14, 2015

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

Soooooo.... I'm a shitty blogger, no? Yes. Yes, I am.

Things have been trucking along in NYC land. Not a lot of excitement. Yay. Yay for you. Getting to read about my boring life.

1) All things related to the books
1a) I was rejected by the publisher I like. Boo, you whores. But it was expected, completely. They told me my book didn't fit inline with what they are looking to publish, and it's true (based on what they've already published). It still sucked though. I whined for a few days about it and then put on my big girl shoes, and hired an editor for it. That book will be back from the editor in mid-July (she picks it up mid-July and will finish it in 1 week) and then I'll self-publish the week after that.
1b) I just finished (last week) my 5th book. I'm in the midst of my third read-through of it and will have that completed tomorrow. Then I'm off to freelancer to hire me an editor from there. That book should be self-published by the beginning of July.
1c) The very first book I ever wrote I'm going to revisit after I send the book in 1b off to the editor. There is a niche genre that's pretty popular on Amazon (a bit of a fetish genre) and my book in 1b fits into that category. Blondie had an idea last night (after 4 bottles of wine, holla!) on how I can modify the very first book to fit into that category as well. So that's next on my chopping block.
1d) A non-sex book! I have an idea, a good one, for a non-sex book. While I'm modifying 1c, I'm going to start work on that as well. I think it might help me write better/faster if I don't have to concentrate on one thing at a time. I've *always* been a multi-tasker and *always* felt so much better at work when I had a billion things that were urgent/critical and needed attention ASAP. So I have NO IDEA why I haven't tried to write more than one book at a time before now. Eee-dyot.

2) All things related to Tigga
He's still puking and pooping all over our apartment. I'm dreading the next visit with the oncologist (in about 3 weeks). I think Blondie and I might have some tough choices to make going forward. Don't panic people. It's not time to discuss "the end" yet. It's just time to discuss "do we put him through more procedures so we can figure out why he's sick all the time?" And "do we alter his chemo yet again to see if that helps?" And "how many times can we visit the vet before Tigga rebels and attacks us in our sleep?" ;)

3) All things related to Blondie
He LOVES his new job. He has been out for so many happy hours since he started (making friends like crazy, that's my guy!) He loved his old job as well, but this job, he has so many friends already that we just 100% know Blondie made the right decision.

4) All things related to all other things
4a) I'm through week 4 of round 2 of T25 Alpha and I want to seriously hurt Shaun T on a daily basis. It's not gotten any easier because I'm getting seriously stronger and pushing myself that much more. I'm holding myself in plank so much better than before. I'm able to hold myself in lunges and squats. My push-ups are through the roof. My pants are falling off. TMI but my bras fit once again. Basically, I love T25 when I'm done for the day but I hate it when I'm doing it. And don't get me started on how long it takes to actually hit play after I put the disc into the DVD player. Week 5 starts tomorrow and that's 3 days of Full Body Circuit which is the bane of my existence.
4b) I've been the grocery shopping and cooking queen lately. Blondie works a LOT of hours at his new job so I've taken on ownership of all the grocery shopping and meal preparation. I've found some awesome recipes online and try to have something tasty and healthy (read: vegetables, ingredient swap for lower calories, that kind of crap) for every meal. On tap for this week includes: Shredded chicken tacos, Homemade cobb salad, Chicken/green bean/stuffing in a slow cooker, Andouille sausage and peppers.
4c) I'm also doing all the cleaning and laundry. While I don't mind cooking, I'd rather pluck each hair from my body individually than clean the bathroom.
4d) I've been going out a lot lately with friends since Blondie is at work or at happy hours in the evenings. It's been pretty nice. We generally stay at our local, but the other week, AA and I met some random people at the bar and joined them for "all you can bowl" night at the bowling alley. We stayed out until almost one in the morning. Good times. And Glitter and I trucked to the UWS to see a friend of mine do a burlesque show a few weeks ago. Afterward, we hit up a french restaurant in that area and ate approximately five pounds of cheese and drank 30 gallons of wine.
4e) Friends from old jobs! A friend from my last job who worked full-time not from the office made an appearance in NYC a few weeks ago. And a friend from *three* jobs ago who I haven't seen in 4 years made an appearance in NYC this past week. It was so great seeing them both!

5) All things related to fucking sappiness
5a) Glitter's brother passed away unexpectedly in a motorcycle wreck last weekend. He was in his twenties. I don't have a lot to say and I'm not trying to make this event in any way related to me, but life is short people. Tell the people you love that you love them while you still can.
5b) I love you, Blondie! Last night was a blast - I love being able to talk our way through movies, discuss why time slows down when the gravity field is stronger, scream "Get in the ship, you asshole!" at the same time to characters in said movie, order in wine when we run out, order in tacos three hours later because the wine killed all our resistance to not eating bad, and then pass out to Total Recall.

And that is all. KDawg outtie.

Oh! I finally joined instagram. My profile is kjlynn. I don't have any pictures up yet, but will be using that going forward to post fun times from NYC. So there's that.
