Monday, June 16, 2008

I. Need. A. Breather!

So my 2 am start time last week went not the best. Several *extremely* high-ups at my company joined the call, and it was a very strenuous 5 hours of dealing with a lot of questioning about how and why things were being done. I guess I came through okay, b/c my boss' boss' boss (3 up) sent email later on that day telling me that he had heard I was great on the call, professional and accomodating, and that I had made my team look very good.

Some other things have happened on the work front lately also - things that I will try to post about at a later date.

The weekend was extremely good - I had a reason to celebrate, so I met up with my coworkers from My Despised Old Job on Friday night for drinks and dinner at my fav Mexican restaurant. Afterwards, Blondie and I invited everyone back to our house to hang out for a bit longer.

Saturday, Blondie and I had a date day. We went and got vegetarian rolls at my favorite sushi restaurant, and picked up some videos afterwards to watch. Semi-Pro is hysterically funny, whereas Cloverfield was funny when it wasn't supposed to be.

On Sunday, I was feeling lucky. So I drug Blondie up to San Pablo to go to a casino. It 100% TOTALLY SUCKED HAIRY B*LLS! OMG. Never have been to a worse casino in my life, and I've been to some pretty bad ones. Shreveport, I'm looking at you. However, Blondie and I still managed to have a pretty good time.

My other coworker left for 3 weeks of vacation starting today, so I'm still swamped for awhile right now. I think I just need some vacation time, and hopefully can plan a few days for sometime in July.


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