Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Go Giants! Blondie and I went to our first SF baseball game last night and had a BLAST! The stadium is gorgeous, the beer was plentiful, the weather was insanely nice, and apparently, 9 run innings happen for the Giants. In addition to 9 runs in 1 inning, we also saw live and in-person, a bat break in half. I was laughing so hard that I missed the rest of the play, but what I saw on the replay on the giant screen was incredible.

Also, a big (5 day late) giant HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the most fabulous Mississippi Queen I know! Happy Birthday WC! I hope you had a great day with your cajun food and your Cakebread!

I'm kind of in a rambling mood today, so I'm going to tell a story that probably nobody will find funny but me. My cubicle at work backs up to the training department. There are 3 people in that department that are really good friends and carry on the most insane conversations you will ever hear. They discuss everything from why they sleep on their backs (right before they went anorexic, they realized that they could train their stomachs to sink inwards while they slept at night, but only if they slept on their backs) to news items (the kid that had 2 spiders in his ears).

Yesterday they got into a discussion about "Girls Next Door" - a show about Hefner's girlfriends.

Person #1: I hate that show. They are such ditzes.
Person #2: There's Holly. She's the main girlfriend. She's totally a ditz.
Person #1: And they are all TOTALLY fake blondes! TOTALLY! I hate that show!
Person #2: And Kendra. She's sporty. Who's the last one?
Person #3: Uh, Holly... Kendra... Who is the 3rd?
Person #1: Bridget! She's my favorite! Remember that episode where she got her cat shaved?
Person #3: I thought you hated that show.
Person #2: I thought you hated the girls.
... crickets chirping ...

Hahahaha. Another day in the life of my job.


Mississippi Queen You Know What I Mean said...

Thanks for the bday props! The Cakebread was yummo...why can't they make a bottle of wine that's equivalent to a case of beer?

April said...

I love that show too. Err, I mean, I hate it.