Monday, September 13, 2010

A Hot Date with Beer and Doughnuts

Low key week... Loooooooooooooow key......

On Thursday, the clouds started rolling in and the temperature started dropping - it was one of those days where all you want to do is go home, climb into your pajamas, order a pizza and eat it in bed while watching TV. Unfortunately, on Thursday, there was a going away party for one of my favorite people at work. So I didn't get to put my plan in action. But it was okay because I wanted to be there for my buddy - she's an awesome person, so funny and smart, her projects always went on time and went well, and she can drink me under the table.

On Friday, the weather was the exact same - and it was also first full day Friday back. Le sigh. Fortunately, I have a hot blonde husband who listened to me on Thursday about what I wanted to do. I came home that night and he made me a big plate of spaghetti and garlic bread, and we crashed out while watching TV. Then, to make it even better, at about 10:30 pm, Blondie turned to me and said "hmmm... want to go get some wings and beer?" Well OF COURSE I do! We headed out 1 block to our tiny neighborhood bar, and spent a pleasant couple of hours before heading home. I had just enough beer to put me into a deeper than usual sleep and it rocked.

Saturday I woke up a bit worried. I had a 4 mile run scheduled for the day and I thought maybe wings and beer would affect it - and it did - but in an awesome way. I had one of the best runs I've had since I started back on it - it was one of those runs where the breath and the strides align, and I bounced along at a pretty good speed for the entire time. It felt AWESOME. I had a huge runners high after.

I went back up to our apartment when I was done working out, and bragged all over the place to Blondie, before we headed out to do our grocery shopping. We both agreed that all we wanted to do was drink some beer and watch some college football (go Badgers!), so we picked up some 6-ers and headed back to the apartment to veg. 4 hours later, we were out of beer, so Blondie had to go out and get some more 6-ers. We ordered some street tacos to be delivered, and got pleasantly drunk by ourselves. We rule.

Yesterday it was another crap day - we both did a workout in the morning, before heading out at lunch for beers and sandwiches before hitting up our local Dunkin Donuts. Um. Oops. I had 8 chocolate donut holes and 1 glazed donut, but OMG, so worth it. We hit the 2 hour window yesterday where it didn't rain, which was good for us - we ended up watching it pour out the window all afternoon before cheering on Green Bay to a victory.

Today it's another crappy weather day (Jets delay anyone?) - I soaked myself trying to get home from work, but am happy I'm here and dry. Blondie made chicken and rice and veggies for dinner (yum!) and now I'm about to get a granola bar. The Jets are winning thus far, albeit slightly. And Monday is over. It could be worse.


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