Sunday, May 02, 2010

SF invasion of NYC!

It started on Monday. The fabulous Ma-Peng returned to her old stomping grounds for a week of work. She had worked in the NYC office for years, and had transferred to the SF offices about 2 weeks after I transferred into NYC.

Then on Tues night, Sweetie J called - she was waiting for her red-eye to the city! So excited to see her. Blondie and I immediately jumped into a night of housecleaning to get things ready for her to stay with us.

I had a VERY boring banquet to attend on Wed morning for work - work rented out a huge space close to Grand Central, and we spent 4 hours listening to this awards ceremony. I was disappointed b/c I didn't get to see Sweetie J - she didn't arrive to our apartment until after I had to leave for work.

Wed afternoon, I got the email from the K's that they were getting on their bus from Boston (they had flown to Florida and then done some touring up and down the east coast - but they are from SF also) and heading to the city. They were getting in really late Wed night, so we weren't going to meet up then.

Instead, we got some drinking in with Sweetie J on Wed night.

And Thurs night turned into a shit show. I called Blondie and he came and met up with me, Ma-Peng and the other cool people from my work. It seemed to be a fabulous idea to slam down sangria and margaritas - and then to meet back up with Sweetie J to start pouring beer down my throat. I was a train-wreck.

Friday was a horrid day. I had to bail on a HH with the K's and on a BBQ with Sweetie J - I have also never been so grateful for an office with a door. I had to lie down on the floor, complete with shakes, and try to recuperate. It's been one of the worst hangovers I've had in awhile.

Yesterday was much better though. The K's and Blondie and I headed over to the Bronx to the new Yankees stadium to watch the Yankees play. True to form, since Blondie and I were watching, the Yankees lost (adding them to the Knicks and the Rangers who've lost while we've watched them). Our subway train back was all sorts of delayed - it turns out there was a bomb in Times Square last night and we think that was what caused the problems.

It turned out ok though, b/c we slowly meandered our way home - the weather was gorgeous and perfect for a walk!

Everyone has left today to head back to SF. So it's just me and Blondie on our own again. We do have a date with my coworkers this week to hit up Koreatown for sake and karoake, so be prepared to read about bleeding eardrums (what will happen when I start to sing!).



Unknown said...

tranquilo,todo va a salir bien,chao sigue asi.suerte.

Unknown said...

tranquilo,todo va a salir bien,chao sigue asi.suerte.